
Volunteer for a day, a weekend, a month, or stay for the year!

There are as many different ways to serve as there are people! Homewood operates year-round and can use help to host guest groups, prepare food, do office work, and clean. We also need volunteers who can help with maintenance, the garden, and special projects.

Year-round volunteer opportunities are available to anyone who wants to help out on a regular basis. Twist a wrench on Wednesdays, bake cookies every other week, or give a weekend of your time each month. We’ll work with you to create a schedule that fits your life. The fresh coffee and a hot lunch are on us!

Summer is Homewood's busiest season, and it takes a team of over 100 people to serve the 1,300 campers. We need speakers, skippers, camp grandparents, first aid attendants (nurses or doctors), ski boat drivers, kitchen helpers, maintenance helpers and more!

If you are interested in volunteering, please submit an application

Volunteer Interest Application

Volunteer Opportunities

First Aid

Collect and administer medications. Provide first aid as required.


Come one day each week all summer and prepare food.


Help build or fix things, mow the grass, or paint.


Prepare rooms for our guests, clean, tidy, or do laundry.


File, photocopy, input data, or help in the store.