Homewood's Story

Homewood Today

Our Mission

We are as committed to our mission today as we were in 1944:

To present the gospel in an unthreatening atmosphere through quality programs and caring relationships, using God’s creation.


Our Values

Just as Jesus Christ placed relationships ahead of programs, we strive to accomplish the following objectives:

Value 4

To provide an opportunity for each guest to clearly understand God’s plan of love and salvation.

Value 3

To build into each guest a carry-over value - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Value 5

To equip campers to live beyond the camp gate.

Value 2

To justify the confidence parents have placed in us.

Value 1

To constantly exceed our guests' expectations.

Our Philosophy

Homewood’s philosophy can be summarized as “ministering to the total person.” Christian camping is a powerful tool. To the believer, it is an opportunity to enjoy the Creator’s handiwork. To those who haven’t been introduced to Jesus Christ, it is a setting where His love for them can be communicated through the beauty of the earth and the care of those who serve here.

Our Camps

Homewood offers a wide range of programs for children, youth, and families including Sailing, Ranch, Woodsman, and Harbour camps plus Family and year-round weekend camps. Learn about our camps

Our Staff

All of Homewood's full-time staff families serve as missionaries and are responsible for raising their own salaries. Each worker brings a unique skill set to the team as well as a love for people. Find out more about the people who serve year-round. Get to know our team

Where we began

The Pacific Coast Children’s Mission was founded in 1944 by Alf and Margaret Bayne, as a non-denominational, Christian mission. The mission purchased the Goforth, a 36’ motor vessel, to minister to children and families in isolated areas on the B.C. coast. The first summer camp was held in 1947 on a farm near Terrace, B.C. In October 1948, the Walker family provided a permanent base for the mission on a portion of their homestead, which they called "Homewood", located on Gowlland Harbour, Quadra Island. The Baynes moved onto land and the first Homewood camp was held in July 1949. A second summer camp, Camp Goforth, was held in Sointula from 1954 to 1964.

Over the years, the camp programs have gradually grown and expanded to include all that is offered today.

Woodsman Camp was started in 1965 on Village Bay Lakes and moved to Mine Lake in 1968. The main lodge, Rivendell, opened in 1979 and greatly enhanced Homewood's year round programming. Since then, other buildings have been added including the Bunkhouse, the Guest House, upper and lower wash houses, three Cabins, and an indoor riding arena.

Although the name "Camp Homewood" has replaced the name "Pacific Coast Children’s Mission", legally the camp remains registered as the charity "Pacific Coast Children’s Mission".

Watch the Homewood Early Days Slideshow