Please join us Thursday, November 14 from 7:15 pm – 8:45 pm for an evening of stories, music, laughter, and scrumptious desserts! We hope to see you there! (Facebook would not let us show the actual times for this event, 7:15 – 8:45 is the correct time.)
RSVP HERE or call 250-285-3483 or email camp@camphomewood.com.
Project Details:
Upper Washhouse and Lodge Basement Bathroom Renovation
Did you know that Camp Homewood has 14 public washrooms and almost 70 toilets? Over 70% of these toilets are outdated and use vast quantities of water to flush. According to our calculations, we would save over 8,000 litres of water every day during the summer by converting to low-flow toilets. Why is this important? Last summer we ran out of water during our middle Family Camp. Not good! Conservation of water is a more cost effective approach to solving the problem than increasing reservoir capacity or drilling a new well. In addition to upgrading our toilets, it is time to address the general condition of our facilities: when we ask campers how we can make camp better, the number one response for the past two years has been ‘improve the washrooms!’
Last year, we renovated one side of the Upper Washhouse. This year we would like to finish the Upper Washhouse and redo the washrooms in the basement of the Lodge. This will require jack hammering through the concrete slab to accommodate two additional showers, moving walls, and a complete studs-out renovation of the lower washrooms. Funds are needed to cover the cost of new flooring, new counters, basins, metered taps, exhaust fans, lighting, etc. The total cost to redo these three washrooms will be $25,000. We would love to have your help and support!