The ‘Goforth’ Staff House – Duplex Project

The ‘Goforth House’ has been started!

After much praying and 3 years of careful planning, the Camp Homewood Board has approved the construction of the ‘Goforth House’ – a 3,600 sq. ft. up/down duplex to house two year-round missionary staff families. Housing has been a critical need for many years, and we have managed thus far only because we have not enjoyed a full complement of staff. Currently, neither the Food Services Manager nor the Head Cook positions are filled. We are seeking diligently to fill both positions, but we don’t have suitable housing to accommodate these staff and their families! In addition, some current staff families are living in substandard housing that needs to be replaced. Completing this duplex will be a solid start towards addressing our housing shortage.

Project Goal: $1,394,000.00

Project Completion
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